Community Action Ministry

Scroll down further to see our Thanksgiving  Dinner Donation Drive images below!

C.A.M. is the Community Action Ministry, or Friends of the Community, of the Woodland Park Church of Christ. It is an intergenerational support group dedicated to demonstrating the love of Christ to the local community by meeting various individual and collective needs. To that end, C.A.M. regularly sponsors a variety of activities, including the following:


  • Meals for hard-pressed families
  • Natural disaster relief
  • Adopt-a-family for Christmas
  • Back-to-school supplies
  • Meals for senior citizens


C.A.M. is also responsive to immediate individual necessities and regularly provides care packages when the opportunity presents itself. The Community Action Ministry (C.A.M.) is guided by the following Christian principle:


"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." James 1:27 NKJV


C.A.M. partners with Renasant Bank during the Thanksgiving season to make a difference in the community. Renasant Bank matches the number of turkeys donated by C.A.M. and Woodland Park Church of Christ to donate to families in need.







Please review images from our Thanksgiving Dinner Donation Drive!

Scroll down further to see the thumbnail images below at a larger size.  Click on any thumbnail image you want to view

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Copyright © 2023

Woodland Park Church of Christ

Woodland Park Church of Christ

1800 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive

Birmingham, Alabama 35211

(205) 251 - 3055